First sessions are a great way to see if EquineFlow Coaching is a good fit for you at this point in your life. Grab a premium package if you know that you are ready for a transformation in your life and leadership.
The First Session is outside with unbridled horses and lasts about 90 minutes. You will meet and greet the horses, and take the first step of your journey toward emotional literacy. You will discover deep new insights about yourself and go home with a pragmatic action step to address whatever is standing in the way of expanding your power. Dress in layers and bring close toe shoes. Refreshments included.
Transformational Leadership Packages offer you the opportunity of a lifetime by completely investing yourself into the process of integrating all your parts into a well functioning whole. This journey is not for the faint of heart.
EquineFlow is located on private horse farm WolfOak, nestled in the rolling hills of South Carolina, right where Mauldin, Simpsonville, Greenville and Piedmont meet.
After you book, you'll receive confirmation immediately and will be contacted within 24 business hours to schedule your session. We look forward to meeting you and hearing your story.