Lauren W. : Filled in the 'What's Beneath The Iceberg' *****
"This training filled in the 'what's beneath the iceberg' part of coaching, with the neurobiology and neuroscience. While I had other coaching training, most focus on 'tip of the iceberg' aspects of behavior. This training has made me more well rounded coach to address and support changes within. I learned that I can do hard things and persevere. I can now draw on an incredibly rich resource of tools for further exploration to support deep change within my clients and myself."
Lauren Walker - Certified EquineFlow Practitioner 1
Arabella T.: Opened My Eyes To A Whole New World *****
"I learned that I have the ability to create change in people's lives. The insights gained have already head such an impact on my life. Family relationships have changed, work colleague relationships have become understandable and generally I feel grounded. It has opened my eyes to a whole new world and was a very valuable experience.
Arabella Tancred - Certified EquineFlow Practitioner 1
Dawn W.: I CAN do this *****
"I learned I can do this and I have a way to do what I love without relying on others. The training was helpful with insights to myself and also for my current clients in understanding the way our minds work. It helped me be better at letting the clients lead and find their way. "
Dawn Williams - Certified EquineFlow Practitioner 1
Gabriele P.: Helped Me Dream Bigger *****
"This training opened up a deep understanding but also how the minds of others operate. It clarified triggers that no one had been able to unlock. I learned how to be my authentic self, and clarified my values. A new path is possible, both personally and professionally, regardless of age and experience. My insights will help me to dream bigger and to make that dream come true. To understand that "I" and "me" is ok.
Gabriele Patton- Certified EquineFlow Practitioner 1
Christi C.: Trusting Myself *****
"I learned to trust myself no matter the universal challenges, believing in my strength and trusting the process. It definitely improved my communication skills in dealing with people in different states of mind. When they are upset I realize it is their operating self and I am able to keep my language clean. This training provided an added chapter to me and my horses to continue our journey with people who want to experience personal growth especially through nature and horses."
Christi Costigan- Certified EquineFlow Practitioner 1
Julietta St.J. : Created Space Into My Consciousness *****
"I learned I can have strong resistance to moving forward and doing well. The training advanced the way I can help other people, but it has brought space into my consciousness and well-being. The insights I gained will help me with my work, but also my parenting and relationships.
Julietta St. John - Certified EquineFlow Practitioner 1
Maria M.: I Can Trust My Instincts and Creativity *****
" It was very powerful to be part of a group of women with different beliefs, educational backgrounds, age and talents united for the common cause of making the world we live in a better place. The program and the environment made it possible. I learned that I'm not broke; I can use my past experience and my unique abilities to create the life I want. I am not too old to learn. I can trust my instincts and creativity, I don't have to do it like everyone else. This training helped me gain perspective about my life and coaching ambitions guiding me to a clear understanding of who I am. I highly recommend it."
Maria Mersman - Certified EquineFlow Practitioner 2
Karen H.: Growth + Healing *****
"This was a very valuable experience. On a personal note it has allowed for growth+training that I never was able to achieve via traditional routes. The tools have allowed me to start living instead of surviving. I learned how childhood trauma impacts me on so many levels but there is a way to calm my nervous system and keep moving forward. I gained the confidence to keep growing +learning, and tools to manager negative self talk.
Karen Hartney - Certified EquineFlow Practitioner 1
Sara G.: One Of The Most Valuable Decisions *****
"Participating in this class was one of the most valuable decisions I have ever made in my life. Learning the neuroscience behind the coaching modalities not only taught me how to help others find their empowered self, it helped me find my own empowered self. I use the tools daily during life's tough challenges, such as watching my mom enter the middle/late stages of dementia. Instead of dropping into a deep, paralyzing depression, I have been able to honor my feelings while staying focused in the here and now and accomplish my goals.
I learned that I have an intuitive sense about others that I can tap in to as I coach clients through a dilemma. I learned how deep my compassion can be and how to channel that into a solid place of holding the space for a client, earning their trust, and giving them the respect they deserve. I learned how to trust a process instead of my own ideas and instead I use my ideas about the various processes to determine the best approach for my client. I learned how to trust myself!
I have seen the power of horse therapy in my own life ever since I can remember. I have dreamed of using horses as a therapeutic modality since high school, but it wasn't until this class that I truly gained the perspective and knowledge to truly understand that this is LIFE CHANGING. I feel a deep sense of urgency to offer what I know to others. I was able to recently walk my client out of suicidal feelings by simply pointing out, "This is your operating self talking to you. What does this feeling want you to know?" She was able to switch out of this way of thinking and solve her problem. If I had not been armored with these tools, I would not have known what to say to her, and would have most likely stayed in my own operating self of fear. I am humbled by the enormous responsibility I have to help others and I feel a deep sense of urgency to reach out. I am absolutely thrilled that I started and completed this class. It has completely transformed my life." Sara Griffith - Certified EquineFlow Practitioner 1
Kim C.: This Training Was Truly Life Changing *****
Not only did I receive the tools I needed to transform my coaching business, I was able to gain the tools I needed to transform my own life in a fundamental and healthy way. I was able to connect in a physical way with my emotional reactions. Knowing how feelings are stored in my body and the neuroscience behind my reactions has given me choices that I never knew I had. I gained the perspective that Neuroscience is the key. My perceptions and perspectives were challenged and I was able to drop old habits that no longer serve as I worked side by side with my own practice clients during the training. Thank you for offering this training and sending it out into the world. I am honored to have been chosen as a student and cannot wait to see how this will transform my work."
Kim Carter - Certified EquineFlow Practitioner 2
Donna T.: Learned A Lot About the Workings Of the Mind *****
"This was a very valuable experience. I learned a lot about the workings of the mind. The tenants of Coaching and how to apply that knowledge to sessions with clients. I found the work with values and the Ikegai worksheet very powerful. The scripted sessions were invaluable examples of powerful work with clients. I also learned so much about myself. Each class taught me something. " Donna Thomas - Certified EquineFlow Practitioner 2
Sherri M.: Learned The Power Of Gentleness *****
"This was a very valuable experience because I am now able to apply the neuroscience behind what I do. Combined with my intuition, this training changed my life. I learned the power of gentleness as well as trusting others to scaffold me and it feels remarkable. Life events can change us, but this training showed me that our coaching gifts can be repackaged, deepened, combined with other models and have a lasting powerful impact. I'm honored to be part of the initial cohort and will strive to honor the lifework of EquineFlow." Sherri Messer Certified EquineFlow Practitioner 1
Maren R.: I Learned I Can Do This *****
"Going through the course really solidified for me that I do want to be a coach. I was so unsure, but I was sure that the methods help people and that I could help people to. Now, I am so glad I can help people through this! I learned how to really use and apply goals. I had only used them with my jobs. I never tried it in my personal development. It was crucial to my success here. And, I learned I can do this!
Maren Reaves - Certified EquineFlow Practitioner 2
Robin R.: I Now Have Tools *****
"Everything was so professionally done. The classroom at EquineFlow’s location was perfect in every way. This program was extremely valuable to me in my personal growth alone....and for my future. It has given me tools to use in the future that will allow me to have an income and contribute to my fellow human race! I learned I am capable of everything that I desire to achieve. Perspectives were challenged. My life is rich in experience, both good and bad. I now have tools to ask questions of myself and to share those skills with others. The knowledge that I am capable and intuitive gives me confidence to continue to pursue this road of coaching."
Robin Richardson - Certified EquineFlow Practitioner 1
Terry F.: My Dreams Can Become Reality *****
"I always knew I wanted to help others and I always wanted horses and this is such a wonderful combination. I learned my dreams can become reality and that I can make it happen. I can plan step by step to start the business, and I can I start it without a large financial investment.
Terry Farmer - Certified EquineFlow Practitioner 2
Roz T.: Spot On and Very Well Put Together *****
"This was an extremely valuable experience. The EquineFlow method and format for the activities is spot on and very well put together, and well thought out. I feel I have the skills and the knowledge to move forward with my career as a coach."
Roz Tyburski - Certified EquineFlow Practitioner 2
Testimonials from Executive Coaching and Corporate Learning Clients:
Gareth O. : Adapt to a Changing World *****
“We gained the insight that everyone needs to adapt to a changing world; we must adapt ourselves to the other side to meet others where they are. We learned to take time to prepare, adapt & achieve. As a team, we now agree to hold each other more accountable. It really was a great experience; an interesting opportunity- very different from other activities we've been involved with, and a novel approach. A great platform to observe behavioral leadership outside the confines of an office.' Gareth O'Hara, Chief Sales Officer, Paxton Access, UK
Kathy M. : Knowledge Is Power *****
“Very valuable experience; knowledge is power, and this Masterclass not only provided the knowledge, but also the experience (using the knowledge).” Kathy M
Michelle G. : Learned To Stand Up for Myself *****
"The Leadership Masterclass was such a valuable experience. I learned have the ability to stand up for myself and succeed. I expanded my leadership skills by having confidence in myself and leading by example. I learned a lot about myself and am eternally grateful for the experience." Michelle G.
Jackie B. : I Can Think Strategically *****
"Every week challenged my beliefs in a good way and helped with self-discovery / self-awareness. I learned I am a multipotentialite and that is a real thing. I can think strategically about many things at once and I don’t need to settle. I will practice using my intuition as a useful tool instead of thinking of it more as a weakness.” Jackie B.
S. A. : I am a Changed Woman! *****
Such a valuable experience. I am a changed woman! I feel more confident in leading, and I have learned so much about myself and who I am. I have experienced moments with the horses that I will remember forever.” S.A.
Mariah L.S. : Discovered TRUE leadership *****
“I came to discover a new leadership technique when in reality I discovered a TRUE leadership that existed all along, giving me courage to! Extremely valuable experience.” Mariah L.S.
John Z. : Extremely Rewarding *****
Working with Monique has been simultaneously one of the easiest and most challenging experiences I have ever had. Most importantly, it has been extremely rewarding. Monique is skilled at unapologetically pushing you to work hard, while showing incredible empathy and developing lasting rapport with you from the very first session.
Honestly, I was a bit skeptical of life-coaching in the beginning because I am trained as a therapist, however what EquineFlow offered really sounded like exactly what I needed at this point in my life. Monique’s methods are based in research and she is always willing to explain the neuroscience behind what she is doing.
I learned skills that I could use in everyday situations the moment I walked out of my sessions. I learned the importance of taking time to really focus on getting in touch with all parts of myself, and I am learning how to hear all parts of myself and find balance in which parts push me forward in life. It has provided me with tools to come back to and use in the future, and it has given me the courage to make decisions and confidently choose to honor myself. John Z. Greenville, SC
Shawn T. : Guidance and Care is Unmatched *****
Monique has this passion and ability to get right to work in dealing with issues explored in coaching. What therapy takes years to discern, Monique can extract in a matter of a few sessions. She is not afraid to walk with you in the hard work that she knows lies ahead. Her guidance and care is unmatched. She is direct in her ability to empower her clients almost immediately. Shawn T. Greenville, SC
Sharon C. : I Tripled My Business and Walked Into A Dream *****
I first came to EquineFlow’s beautiful peaceful urban farm with a heart full of grief and the weight of the world on my shoulders. My recent separation and pending divorce, the heartache of my children, and my pitiful career were almost more than I could take. The dogs surrounded me, giving me comfort and strength, as I sat on the couch hardly able to speak without tears streaming down my checks.
Her words brought me a glimmer of hope-she discussed human evolution, the structure of the brain, and neurological pathways. Her approach would be based on solid neuroscientific research. She would help me find my own values and my own answers, letting me choose the pace and the direction we took.
Thirsty for this new approach, I agreed to come back. Many of the sessions were difficult-causing me to lose focus on what little life I had as we looked deep into my heart. She encouraged me to be gentle with myself-to give myself permission to grieve and “fall apart” as it were. I learned to view myself in a positive light with compassion and understanding.
Rather than frantically rushing around attempting to follow the values and advice of those around me, I learned to sit still and listen to myself. My voice began to matter to me. The science behind her approach gave me the assurance that I wasn’t following the latest self-help fad, but rather concepts based on solid research.
The peace and contentment with myself as a person began to positively impact my business and my friendships. My business has tripled, my divorce to my abusive ex is final-I am walking out of a nightmare and into a dream. This dream does not define me however, and if it falls apart tomorrow, I’ll be ok. Because I’m me. Sharon C. Greenville, SC
Dianne: You Really Listened *****
This was such a valuable experience. You really listened, summed up what I said and then knew the perfect question to ask. Amazing coaching skills! I loved using the horses, the concrete things you taught me, like how the brain works, the drawings, the pie charts. They helped me create a new way of looking at something. I learned to enjoy my own personal strengths; to not be part of the Karpman drama triangle; to ask ‘How can I’ questions to work on my higher self; to take time for myself doing what ‘I’ like; to cut down the words with men, and I learned that, like horses, if I relax, people will engage. Most importantly the program helped me are gain the awareness of my sense of being ‘left out’, how it affected my life without me knowing it and what to do about it, like practicing to be ‘just there’, like the horses. They are great teachers of self awareness. . Dianne R. Greenville, SC
Megan: Incredibly Valuable Experience *****
I genuinely think this is a perfected process. It was an incredibly valuable experience for me, because it is difficult to take time and reflect on life's past and future events. Sometimes you need someone to guide you through the process. I think it is important to have both physical and oral experiences, both of which were used. This helped me reflect on what I had, what I have, and what I want to have, which to me is important to know, and be grateful. Megan B. Greenville, SC.
Karen: A Surprisingly Quick Improvement *****
After a number of global corporate relocations with a young family I found myself struggling with anxiety and unable to fully enjoy my life. After trying traditional talk therapy and finding it unhelpful I found Equineflow. Monique's technique and unique approach quickly helped me understand what was happening and with weekly sessions and helpful techniques to use at home, I experienced a surprisingly quick improvement. I'm beginning to rediscover my self. I can think more clearly and find I can trust in my decision making processes as a result. This has helped me in all areas of my life, relationships, parenting and my work as the founder of a non-profit charity. I can not recommend Equineflow and Monique more highly. Karen E. Greenville, SC.
Carol: It Is Liberating To Learn That Change Is Possible *****
This was a great combination of learning about the brain, deep talking and experience with the horses. Being with the horses took me out of my thinking mind. I can see how spending time with them over several months would embed change in a person. I learned how deeply attached I am to my ‘angry self’. There is an Indian goddess names Kali, who I didn’t know a lot about, but she is this fierce being with multiple arms and swords, blood dripping from her mouth. I saw today how I become her when confronted in an argument with my husband. It is liberating to learn that change is possible. The specific ideas like creating symbol cards will be helpful. I like how you kept pushing me with questions, even though it was uncomfortable. The entire experience was really wonderful. You are an exceptional listener and educator. Then add in the horses!! Carol D. Boston, MA
Barbara: An Overwhelming Sense of Bliss, Understanding and Peace *****
Have you ever experienced a turning point? Where the tide beneath your feet completely shifts and you start thinking in a brand-new way? I can’t tell you when exactly I experienced this turning point. But I know how it started.
Sitting in my car, staring at the bumper in front of me, I wanted to scream. I was frustrated, literally stuck. My body and mind felt stiff and heavy, like a giant brick. I can’t help but laugh at the irony of my situation. I have been in therapy, read a gazillion self-help books and attended a bunch of self- improvement seminars. And I wasn’t following any of this “good advice”.
I always thought I’d need a mentor, a consultant to just tell me what I should do, which direction I should head towards and which way to turn. But that was exactly the reason, why I wasn’t where I wanted to be. I never listened to myself.
I started working with Monique and quickly learned the difference of life coaching to your traditional applications: I had to do the talking. I also had to come up with my own solutions. I had to set my own goals. I had to do homework. I also committed to exercise routines and tools from disciplines such as sociology, psychology, positive adult development and career counseling. Wow! This was fun!
No session left me wondering. Although I saw Monique “only” through Skype, the amount of information and positive encouragement I received was immense. I felt empowered, stronger and more certain about myself, my needs and where I wanted to be. I’m happier and my family is happier.
Before starting working with Monique, I had a huge weight on my shoulders. Now I have a different picture of what my future looks like. Every session was like a small awakening and when I came closer to my turning point, I almost felt an overwhelming sense of bliss, understanding and peace. I had all the tools and knowledge all along. It just took the right person to ask the right questions.
If you feel stuck or uncomfortable, if you don’t know why or lack the skills to achieve your dreams, I highly recommend working with Monique. She’s a highly analytical, thoughtful and caring coach that will show you many opportunities to practice joy and happiness.
- Barbara M. Denver, CO.
Sitting in my car, staring at the bumper in front of me, I wanted to scream. I was frustrated, literally stuck. My body and mind felt stiff and heavy, like a giant brick. I can’t help but laugh at the irony of my situation. I have been in therapy, read a gazillion self-help books and attended a bunch of self- improvement seminars. And I wasn’t following any of this “good advice”.
I always thought I’d need a mentor, a consultant to just tell me what I should do, which direction I should head towards and which way to turn. But that was exactly the reason, why I wasn’t where I wanted to be. I never listened to myself.
I started working with Monique and quickly learned the difference of life coaching to your traditional applications: I had to do the talking. I also had to come up with my own solutions. I had to set my own goals. I had to do homework. I also committed to exercise routines and tools from disciplines such as sociology, psychology, positive adult development and career counseling. Wow! This was fun!
No session left me wondering. Although I saw Monique “only” through Skype, the amount of information and positive encouragement I received was immense. I felt empowered, stronger and more certain about myself, my needs and where I wanted to be. I’m happier and my family is happier.
Before starting working with Monique, I had a huge weight on my shoulders. Now I have a different picture of what my future looks like. Every session was like a small awakening and when I came closer to my turning point, I almost felt an overwhelming sense of bliss, understanding and peace. I had all the tools and knowledge all along. It just took the right person to ask the right questions.
If you feel stuck or uncomfortable, if you don’t know why or lack the skills to achieve your dreams, I highly recommend working with Monique. She’s a highly analytical, thoughtful and caring coach that will show you many opportunities to practice joy and happiness.
- Barbara M. Denver, CO.
Charlie: We found ourselves speaking more concretely, directly, compassionately *****
This was very much a valuable experience. Both of our life wounds and coping strategies which were were aware of, were brought front and center and as often happens in the safety net of therapy, we found ourselves speaking more concretely / directly / compassionately about them. Very helpful. While I did not learn something new about myself, hearing it all and hearing my wife talk about herself more openly than before was very good for our relationship. She maybe would say the same about having me talk about my stuff. Hearing each other in a compassionate setting was what I will take away, and it will be something we can both refer back to. That should be very helpful. Charlie C. Boston, MA.
Charlie booked an exclusive EquineFlow@WolfOak AirBnB experience. Find more information about our WolfOak Airbnb here.
Charlie booked an exclusive EquineFlow@WolfOak AirBnB experience. Find more information about our WolfOak Airbnb here.
N.R.: I learned that I can use my own wits to be independent *****
Yes, there are certain areas in life where I struggle. Standing up for myself is one major area where I struggle. I was able to stand up for myself when the horses approached the grain. Today I learned that I can use my own wits to be independent. I didn’t have to have someone tell me how to defend ‘my world’. I was able to do it by myself. I gained the perspective that horses can be intimidating. So can life. And so are the obstacles in the way of my independence. I have the ability to not be afraid of the horses and I have the ability to overcome other fears. N.R.
G.J.: It’s okay to just be in the moment *****
Today I learned that I really do shy away from situations where I might have to take the lead (the Brain/body activity), especially in situation where I am not sure what to expect (where I am comfortable, leadership is easier). I gained the perspective that it’s okay to just be in the moment, to not have an agenda, to just live. That there is nothing wrong with that. It’s also okay when things you’re trying to have happen, don’t happen- the world will not end and good connections can still happen. G.J.
M.H.: My goals have been re-enforced *****
I felt that this was a very valuable experience. It forced me to look at myself and how I interact within my world and those around me. I feel that my goals have been re-enforced. I now have a better understanding of what I want to accomplish in life and how I want to meet those outcomes. I also learned a lot more about what I needed to do to get there and what personal obstacles stand in my way. I felt that the horses really mirrored my emotions. I thought it was very interesting to take a step back when something wasn’t going the way I wanted/expected and evaluate what that was, and what I needed to change. M. H.
M.F. : Horses act without ulterior motives *****
This was my first exposure to equine assisted coaching. I recognized that I tend to be very literal. I did not relate the personal goals to the activity and now understand that I need to be more aggressive in their pursuit. I also realized the horses tend to act along very similar lines without ulterior motives, unlike most people. M.F.
C.S: I sense I lean too much on ‘what are the rules? *****
This experience was a mirror for me. The abyss: what does one do with the moment of your life? What are the ‘rules’, what is the point? How do you know you are authentic versus scripted? Can you carry this through every place, every moment of your life? I sense that I lean too much on ‘what are the rules?’ I still have steps to move along to the spontaneous aspect of life, but I knew that, so this experience just reinforced it. I also learned that I like horses! I am very passionate and I was unprompted called a “dreamer” by a fellow participant, which is beautiful! And encouraging!!! Because I am starting some projects where that is incredibly relevant! I realized I wanted to just hang out with the horses. No “to do”, no boxed time slot, no imaginings. I think this reflects well on me, and I should focus on this part of my desire. C.S.
M. H. : Came away with so much more than I could have ever anticipated *****
I just wanted to say thank you so much for the wonderful session this afternoon. It was an absolutely wonderful experience and now that I have had time to reflect on the topics we delved into I wanted to add to my evaluation (if you don't mind). I really felt that I was able to gain some great and challenging insights about myself and came away with so much more than I could have ever anticipated.
One thing that stuck with me was when we were asked to write down a goal for our life. At that moment I had a surge of panic run through me when I realized that I did not have a life goal. Growing up you have these goals of graduating high school, going to college, getting a job, but what happens when you are passed all that? That is where I am. I have gone to college (twice), gotten a job, am married, but what is my life goal?
I cannot tell you how much I appreciate you posed that question today and made me really analyze what my life goal is and how I have to go about achieving it. I think what you are doing is an amazing thing that will help so many people. Thank you again for letting me be a part of this wonderful experience! M.H.
One thing that stuck with me was when we were asked to write down a goal for our life. At that moment I had a surge of panic run through me when I realized that I did not have a life goal. Growing up you have these goals of graduating high school, going to college, getting a job, but what happens when you are passed all that? That is where I am. I have gone to college (twice), gotten a job, am married, but what is my life goal?
I cannot tell you how much I appreciate you posed that question today and made me really analyze what my life goal is and how I have to go about achieving it. I think what you are doing is an amazing thing that will help so many people. Thank you again for letting me be a part of this wonderful experience! M.H.
Barb T. : I learned that I am OK *****
Today was filled with peace and sunshine and the whole program was beautiful. I really felt that Monique -and Allison- were passionate, warm and truly dedicated to sharing their knowledge and their hearts. The setting, the dogs, the horses and fellow attendees were interesting and I think we all were similar in our goals for being here. A comforting setting all around and the content was meaningful with a strong take-away, being that we operate on two different levels and when we are aware of each of these levels, it is easier to balance the two. I learned that I am OK and the more awareness I bring to my mind, the easier it will be to operate more peacefully, within and with others. Thank you! Barb T.
Tanya B. : Would highly recommend *****
A good day at a perfect location. The planned sessions were all valuable and provided a different perspective than the usual routine. Being outdoors with animals in itself is very therapeutic. I learned the importance of awareness of different approaches to situations and that there is a difference in a healthy approach, and a more destructive one. The horse experience provide the calm from being around two nice, mellow personalities. Just watching them be horses is therapeutic. Overall I think it is both a stimulating and relaxing concept and I would highly recommend it. Tanya B.
Jenna B. : Into a calm, thoughtful space *****
This experience got me 'out of my head', and into a calm, thoughtful space. I learned that I need more time to let go of what's in my life preoccupying my mind. The horses reminded me that it is OK to be out of my 'normal' element and comfort zone, and gave me a change of perspective; it is OK to not be in charge or control. Jenna B.
Lynn G. : Lessen negativity *****
Today was insightful and full of reminders that I am not alone in my journey. I learned that I must work to lessen negativity. The horses helped me gain the perspective to not push others to do what you want them to do. Lynn G.
Laura M. : Invest in the journey *****
The atmosphere is very calming, and the time outdoors very much needed. I learned that I need to get outside more and enjoy the day. The horses remind me to be in present in the moment. Be playful. Invest in the journey and the destination will be more joyful. Laura M.
Zoe C. : Time to think *****
Today was relaxing, I had time to think instead of always acting and reacting. I learned about the two sides of the mind and the importance of listening to the empowering side. The horses taught me to not always try so hard! I always think I can fix anything and make it happen. Sometimes things just need to happen on their own. Zoe C.
Debbie F. : Joy & Peace on the other side of pain and trauma *****
This was absolutely a valuable experience. It added back elements that had been removed from my life that bring me joy; horses, dogs, the outdoors, trying something new, etc. The horses are such a source of grace and love for me, and the time with them today reminded me of all I learned from them in the past seasons and how much I need to be around the splendor of creation. Today I realized how far I have come, how much joy & peace there can be on the other side of pain and trauma. I realized have become an overcomer, I am loved, I am accepted and I am right where I need to be. Debbie F.
Praise For EquineFlow Masterclasses *****
Michelle G. : Learned To Stand Up for Myself *****
The Leadership Masterclass was such a valuable experience. I learned have the ability to stand up for myself and succeed. I expanded my leadership skills by having confidence in myself and leading by example. I learned a lot about myself and am eternally grateful for the experience. Michelle G.
Shannon D. : Change IS Possible *****
Being with the horses took me out of my thinking mind. I learned how deeply attached I am to my 'angry self' and I saw today how I become her when confronted in arguments and how it doesn't get the results I want. It is liberating to realize that change is possible. The specific ideas will be helpful and I like how the questions kept pushing me to dig deeper. The entire experience was really wonderful. Shannon D.
Molly F. : See Myself in a New Light *****
From the very beginning the Leadership Masterclass revealed things about myself that will stick with me forever. Such simple interactions with the horses allowed me to see myself in a new light. It has given me more confidence to go after what I really want. I am more self aware and my insights help me set goals that are custom to me and my needs. I have a new appreciation for horses. and feel inspired overall. Molly F.
Andrea W. : Learned to Get in my Empowered Mind *****
I loved learning the science behind the states of mind. I learned that I have more control over how I respond to different situations. I also learned how to label my state of mind, and how to use that constructively. I really like that GAP (Grounded Aware Present) method to quickly calm myself and get in my empowered mind. I also loved the empty chair activity to talk or think my way through problems. Andrea W.
Katie L. : I Have All The Tools To Be Exactly Who I Want To Be *****
Today I learned that I have all the tools to be exactly who I want to be and where I want to be, now and in the future. This masterclass brought my awareness to many issues I have been keeping inside myself and not really letting surface. I gained the tools to remind myself constantly of how I would like to respond to situations and that I can also return to my safe place whenever I need to. Katie L.
Shannon K. : Be More In The Moment *****
I learned today that I need to let go of all the reins I try to hold on.. to some extent. I take a lot on my shoulders to help others, and I hope I can pass along some of these things to others, instead of bearing the weight for them. I haven’t been able to allow myself to relax and now I feel like I can do so with the tools and thoughts you provided, thank you! The insights help me be more mindful and I will continue to try to be less connected to tasks that I think need to be done on a schedule and be more in the moment. Shannon K.
Amy H. : Finding a Way to Calm Negativity *****
I have read many parenting books and feel pretty good about my relationship with my kids, but this masterclass was SO much more than that. I learned that there is so much more negativity and fear in myself than what I was acknowledging. Looking at that, addressing it and finding a way to calm it was so empowering. I am really excited to go home and work on these pathways, making it easier for my brain to choose my empowered self. And although I was hesitant about 'hypnosis', it was totally not what I thought! Amy H.
Heather P. : Dealing With Stress and Worry *****
This was absolutely a valuable experience for me. I understand the operating mind now and how it works. The masterclass helped me spend time on myself, cultivating ideas of dealing with stress and worry, and just be. I know now how to get to my safe place and I learned that I need to let go more. Life is a precious gift and I shouldn’t take things so seriously. Heather P.
Nickie S. : I CAN do it *****
The Riding With Confidence Masterclass was a great intensive and I am so thankful that I could be a part of it! I love the description of the brain and its function, and I enjoyed learning about why both I and my horse react and continue to react. I gained the insight that there is a reason for the fear and that it’s OK to experience it, and that while it's going to take a while to get completely able to work over the fear, I CAN do it. I really like the writing exercises too, they taught me a lot, thank you so much! Nickie S.
Nealy R. : I realized I can control fear *****
The intensive was totally helpful for two reasons, well, more than that, but two main ones. I realized that I can control fear, that there is a learned pathway that I can utilize. I liked the explanation of the way the brain works and that helped me understand why fear occurs and how to help manage it. I can understand why I react the way I do and that will help put myself at ease, which in turn, will help my horse relax. I like the way the class was structured, such as the information first and then practice. Loved the class! Nealy R.
Cathleen C. : Learned how to relax myself *****
The intensive gave me a better understanding of why I react the way I do when something bad happens on my horse. I also learned that I project my feelings to my horse, creating the environment of stress or pleasure. I learned that I carry a lot of stress and learned how to relax and dialogue with myself to build the pathways to my empowered self. The insights I gained have helped me be more aware of why I am feeling + reacting to my surroundings, and make quicker, better decisions on whether something really is a threat. Cathleen C.
Theresa B. : Tools to deal with all of life's situations *****
This intensive was a valuable experience. I learned that I am naturally inclined to be in my empowered self and the insights I gained today will allow me to relax my muscles thus relaxing my horse. The workshop gave us tools to help us deal with all of life’s situations both in the saddle and out. Theresa B.
Testimonials For EquineFlow Horsemanship *****
I learned a tremendous amount about the mind of the horse
"I learned a tremendous amount about the mind of the horse and the horse behavior in a way that we rarely get to hear about in America. I learned to trust myself to remain calm and confident, and teach my horse there is trust. It has made me stronger as an individual and as a trainer / instructor. I gained the insight that horses are horses; their instincts dictate their behavior. We learn to gain trust by becoming part of the herd, not by pushing or forcing them. " K. S.
Bringing true joy back

" Much against my will, I came to the decision that I was in dire need of help. For two whole years I had been schooling myself along with my Quarter Horse mare with only the limited amount of horsemanship knowledge I had accumulated from 9 months of Western training to aid us. With such limited knowledge, I knew that I couldn’t progress much further alone, but, nonetheless, I tried the “do it yourself” training program. Frustration became a daily emotion, and soon, I was resentful of my decision to become an equestrian. Evenings at the barn with my horse shifted from a glorious gift to merely routine responsibility. I would arrive home depressed and, some nights, in tears. I knew it was me – not my horse – and for this reason, I began to believe that I had ruined the sweet mare I’d only owned for a short period of time.
My parents took notice of my despair very quickly; their advice: either find a way to enjoy riding again, or give it up. At first, I was all for giving into the temptation of simply letting go of the entire horsemanship dream; however, I took failure like a sore loser, and I would not admit defeat. I saw this as a way to make either the right decision or the easy decision.
When I look back on that split second decision to change my disciplines, I realize that it was one of the hardest things I’d ever decided to do with my horse. Western had been my life for nearly three years, and, in the beginning, both my horse and I enjoyed this style immensely. We competed and won. We ran speed events and earned high points. Soon, though, when my horse became sour and I despaired of my riding career with her, I saw just how shallow I had been. Competing meant nothing to me – if my horse didn’t enjoy what we did, I hated it even more. Western riding became a chore for the both of us, and most days I would avoid it altogether, choosing instead to ride bareback or to lounge. As I made close friends with a Dressage rider at my barn, I began to watch her ride, curious about the differences in disciplines. It was she who suggested that I try Dressage – or at least English – to liven up my horsemanship and freshen up my horse’s interest. I took the bait.
To be honest, I had never even considered taking Dressage; not until I read into the discipline and it captured my notice. When I seriously began to consider it as an option, I decided that the best method of approaching this new riding style would be to start training on a horse that at least knew some Dressage. My barn friend was all too happy to lend her Lusitano gelding for lessons.
And in came Monique.
So, in the spring of 2014, I was introduced to Monique Ravesloot. I knew very little of the English world, let alone the Dressage universe. The gear was all new to me, as were the terms and reining styles. However, I recall that after that first lesson with her, I was more energized and enthusiastic than I had been in months. I eagerly continued to take lessons on that huge Lusitano, only riding my little mare in the same Western saddle a few days a week. When Monique heard about Sky, my little Sorrel mare, she suggested immediately that I try her out in a lesson. Instantly, I balked at the idea. My mare? A Western Quarter Horse with hardly any English training? However, I agreed. Never have I regretted that decision.
Sky took to the new training with pure relish. Her temperament changed, her overall mood changed – you can only imagine how this affected me. Our tempestuous bond strengthened to real trust for the first time since I’d had her. Each day, I looked forward to my time with her and found myself extremely excited for our weekly lessons. But, I would never leave the arena the same person, nor did I finish a ride without feeling like we had accomplished something – even if that something was the tiniest of things. Monique helped me to understand that not every ride must be a major turning point in my training; it’s the mistakes and lessons learned from those errors that might help a horse and rider the most. My entire outlook on horsemanship changed – I began to notice the little things my mare did, finding that paying attention when my horse tried to communicate back to me began a deep conversation between us. Monique was like our operator – I could finally listen to my horse again.
I can never give Monique enough credit. She lifted me out of the darkest time in my life, bringing true joy back into my equestrian life. Each lesson teaches me something about myself as well as about my horse. I never expected a riding lesson to incorporate psychological training as well as physical and mental, but now I understand that this strengthening of my own mind as well my horse’s has made all the difference. Sky and I learn eagerly together; Monique gives us both the confidence we never could grasp amidst our tumultuous competition schedules. I am so appreciative to Monique for her willingness to take on the challenge of an amateur teenage rider paired with a fiery, strong-willed mare. To this day, I will never understand why Monique has continued to have faith in my little mare and I, but her instruction has made a massive impact in my life.
Now, I am off to college with my little mare. I hold out hope that I can continue to train with Monique in the summer months soon to come, but even if those chances never come to fruition, I will never forget what Monique has taught to me (okay, sure, a few technicalities might slip my memory, let’s be honest) and I will always have the highest respect for her. (And I doubt Sky and I will be changing disciplines for a while; we’ve found ourselves through Monique’s EquineFlow.)" Sarah Wilson with Sky, Simpsonville, SC
My parents took notice of my despair very quickly; their advice: either find a way to enjoy riding again, or give it up. At first, I was all for giving into the temptation of simply letting go of the entire horsemanship dream; however, I took failure like a sore loser, and I would not admit defeat. I saw this as a way to make either the right decision or the easy decision.
When I look back on that split second decision to change my disciplines, I realize that it was one of the hardest things I’d ever decided to do with my horse. Western had been my life for nearly three years, and, in the beginning, both my horse and I enjoyed this style immensely. We competed and won. We ran speed events and earned high points. Soon, though, when my horse became sour and I despaired of my riding career with her, I saw just how shallow I had been. Competing meant nothing to me – if my horse didn’t enjoy what we did, I hated it even more. Western riding became a chore for the both of us, and most days I would avoid it altogether, choosing instead to ride bareback or to lounge. As I made close friends with a Dressage rider at my barn, I began to watch her ride, curious about the differences in disciplines. It was she who suggested that I try Dressage – or at least English – to liven up my horsemanship and freshen up my horse’s interest. I took the bait.
To be honest, I had never even considered taking Dressage; not until I read into the discipline and it captured my notice. When I seriously began to consider it as an option, I decided that the best method of approaching this new riding style would be to start training on a horse that at least knew some Dressage. My barn friend was all too happy to lend her Lusitano gelding for lessons.
And in came Monique.
So, in the spring of 2014, I was introduced to Monique Ravesloot. I knew very little of the English world, let alone the Dressage universe. The gear was all new to me, as were the terms and reining styles. However, I recall that after that first lesson with her, I was more energized and enthusiastic than I had been in months. I eagerly continued to take lessons on that huge Lusitano, only riding my little mare in the same Western saddle a few days a week. When Monique heard about Sky, my little Sorrel mare, she suggested immediately that I try her out in a lesson. Instantly, I balked at the idea. My mare? A Western Quarter Horse with hardly any English training? However, I agreed. Never have I regretted that decision.
Sky took to the new training with pure relish. Her temperament changed, her overall mood changed – you can only imagine how this affected me. Our tempestuous bond strengthened to real trust for the first time since I’d had her. Each day, I looked forward to my time with her and found myself extremely excited for our weekly lessons. But, I would never leave the arena the same person, nor did I finish a ride without feeling like we had accomplished something – even if that something was the tiniest of things. Monique helped me to understand that not every ride must be a major turning point in my training; it’s the mistakes and lessons learned from those errors that might help a horse and rider the most. My entire outlook on horsemanship changed – I began to notice the little things my mare did, finding that paying attention when my horse tried to communicate back to me began a deep conversation between us. Monique was like our operator – I could finally listen to my horse again.
I can never give Monique enough credit. She lifted me out of the darkest time in my life, bringing true joy back into my equestrian life. Each lesson teaches me something about myself as well as about my horse. I never expected a riding lesson to incorporate psychological training as well as physical and mental, but now I understand that this strengthening of my own mind as well my horse’s has made all the difference. Sky and I learn eagerly together; Monique gives us both the confidence we never could grasp amidst our tumultuous competition schedules. I am so appreciative to Monique for her willingness to take on the challenge of an amateur teenage rider paired with a fiery, strong-willed mare. To this day, I will never understand why Monique has continued to have faith in my little mare and I, but her instruction has made a massive impact in my life.
Now, I am off to college with my little mare. I hold out hope that I can continue to train with Monique in the summer months soon to come, but even if those chances never come to fruition, I will never forget what Monique has taught to me (okay, sure, a few technicalities might slip my memory, let’s be honest) and I will always have the highest respect for her. (And I doubt Sky and I will be changing disciplines for a while; we’ve found ourselves through Monique’s EquineFlow.)" Sarah Wilson with Sky, Simpsonville, SC
Monique taught me to listen

"When I brought home my first horse five years ago, it was almost immediately a disaster. The first mistake was bringing a hot, chestnut, half-Arabian mare to a strict, traditional hunter/jumper barn. The second was quarantining her in a pasture for two weeks with only a donkey for company. Without other horses, she became panicked and explosive, spooking at everything and dragging me around the barnyard. Immediately a host of trainers swooped in to tell me how I should handle my horse, with plenty of suggestions to use harsher and harsher methods of control and snide comments about how "crazy" she was. Keely dragged me up and down barn aisles and broke several cross ties. But the more unruly Keely became, the more determined my trainers became that I should ride harder to fix the problem. It was like riding a time bomb. I became unconfident and so did Keely, as we were barraged with training gadgets and pointed comments about our training. I knew something was wrong with the ways I was being told to train, but I couldn't understand or articulate it.
After too many months of being told to "put a chain on your crazy mare!" (among other reasons) we finally moved to a new barn where Keely could be pasture boarded. I learned about natural horsemanship, but my mentality was still wrong. I used the stick and line as punishments instead of tools. At first, there seemed to be progress. I had Keely "controlled" and our riding made some small gains, but something was still wrong. I tried to find a new jumping instructor. Keely reared at the first after spinning me off and the second gave her a harsher bit. I'm a vegetarian and total animal lover. None of these methods sat well with me, but I was too inexperienced and fearful (of trainers and, honestly, of Keely) to say anything. We moved barns again and after a few months of riding on my own we called Monique, a relatively new trainer to the area.
Monique showed up to my first lesson and immediately things started to get better. In our first lesson, she helped me see the poor fit of my saddle and to (start) to stop holding cranking Keely's nose in to control her. Soon we started clicker training, using "good job!" and bits of carrots. Despite all the progress, something was still holding us back. Our canter work went from bad to worse and jumps ended in bucking sprees. Before Monique came into our lives, the solution would have been to run Keely on the longe line, attach a neck relaxer, or use a harsher bit. Monique, however, saw that Keely's bucking and running wasn't out of malice or moodiness. She suspected it was because Keely was in pain.
Once Monique started teaching us to listen to our horses, riding became less of a stressor and more of a pleasure. That's not to say it's been easy. Keely is now 15 and has moved barns again, been rehabbed through a tendon injury, and gets several supplements and medications to make her comfortable. We have figured out a pattern that makes Keely happy and in turn makes me happy, despite it being atypical or quirky. Recently Monique listed the accomplishments Keely and I made this summer with our riding. Collected canter, verticals and oxers, cross country schooling...all the things I wanted five years ago. But the mentality that Monique has brought to my horsemanship goes so much beyond that. Keely comes to me in the pasture instead of running away. Grooming is now something we both enjoy instead of something we have to get over with. Keely asks to come in rather than trying to run away while longing. Her personality has gone from grouchy and irritable to engaged and charismatic through trick training.
For the first time in years, I am happy when I'm at the barn. I'm happy while I groom and while I longe and feed treats. I'm even happy while I ride, which for a self-critical and unconfident rider is something like a miracle. And I'm happy because Keely is happy. All the years that Keely was pegged as crazy or moody, she was just trying to tell me something. Monique taught me to listen. Thank you so much for all you have done for me and for Keely over the past three years and for believing in us when everyone else (myself included) had given up. You rock! " Margaret Murpy with Keely, Greenville, SC.
After too many months of being told to "put a chain on your crazy mare!" (among other reasons) we finally moved to a new barn where Keely could be pasture boarded. I learned about natural horsemanship, but my mentality was still wrong. I used the stick and line as punishments instead of tools. At first, there seemed to be progress. I had Keely "controlled" and our riding made some small gains, but something was still wrong. I tried to find a new jumping instructor. Keely reared at the first after spinning me off and the second gave her a harsher bit. I'm a vegetarian and total animal lover. None of these methods sat well with me, but I was too inexperienced and fearful (of trainers and, honestly, of Keely) to say anything. We moved barns again and after a few months of riding on my own we called Monique, a relatively new trainer to the area.
Monique showed up to my first lesson and immediately things started to get better. In our first lesson, she helped me see the poor fit of my saddle and to (start) to stop holding cranking Keely's nose in to control her. Soon we started clicker training, using "good job!" and bits of carrots. Despite all the progress, something was still holding us back. Our canter work went from bad to worse and jumps ended in bucking sprees. Before Monique came into our lives, the solution would have been to run Keely on the longe line, attach a neck relaxer, or use a harsher bit. Monique, however, saw that Keely's bucking and running wasn't out of malice or moodiness. She suspected it was because Keely was in pain.
Once Monique started teaching us to listen to our horses, riding became less of a stressor and more of a pleasure. That's not to say it's been easy. Keely is now 15 and has moved barns again, been rehabbed through a tendon injury, and gets several supplements and medications to make her comfortable. We have figured out a pattern that makes Keely happy and in turn makes me happy, despite it being atypical or quirky. Recently Monique listed the accomplishments Keely and I made this summer with our riding. Collected canter, verticals and oxers, cross country schooling...all the things I wanted five years ago. But the mentality that Monique has brought to my horsemanship goes so much beyond that. Keely comes to me in the pasture instead of running away. Grooming is now something we both enjoy instead of something we have to get over with. Keely asks to come in rather than trying to run away while longing. Her personality has gone from grouchy and irritable to engaged and charismatic through trick training.
For the first time in years, I am happy when I'm at the barn. I'm happy while I groom and while I longe and feed treats. I'm even happy while I ride, which for a self-critical and unconfident rider is something like a miracle. And I'm happy because Keely is happy. All the years that Keely was pegged as crazy or moody, she was just trying to tell me something. Monique taught me to listen. Thank you so much for all you have done for me and for Keely over the past three years and for believing in us when everyone else (myself included) had given up. You rock! " Margaret Murpy with Keely, Greenville, SC.
Developing an even closer bond

" My horse ( Hope) and I have been working with Monique for a few months now. Through the sessions I am beginning to understand how Hope learns, and learn ways that I can promote that process. Our time with Monique is always the best hour of our week. I look forward to our lesson time and hate when the hour is over. Hope feels the same way! When Hope , Monique and myself first entered the round pen, Hope immediately began running around the pen, wide eyed, scared, stressed, completely out of control. It was sad that she was in such a scary place in her mind. After just one hour lesson with Monique, the next time in the round pen was completely different...she walked in and just stood, I could tell she was not completely at ease, but she was not in that same scary place in her mind. Now, Hope will put herself in the round pen, even when we are not having a lesson. I believe she has come to know the round pen as a place she can trust, she has the opportunity to learn, and to develop an even closer bond with me." Robin Grimm with Hope, Gray Court, SC
I have become much more relaxed and confident

"Monique has helped me and my horse build a wonderful relationship. I desperately needed help in communicating with Darla, my Paso Fino. I was getting to a point where I thought maybe we weren't compatible. My confidence was very low and Darla's response was making me more nervous. It was a downward spiral. Monique was able to help me understand how my lack of confidence affected Darla's sensitivity. Monique is very intuitive, seeing and teaching in a way that helps build relationships. By breaking everything down and explaining how Darla is perceiving me and her surroundings, I was able to begin building my confidence back up and learn to trust my horse while she learned to trust me. I have learned how my attitude affects my horse's attitude and each session I have learned something new that helps my relationship with my horse. Monique has been able to give me the tools I need for different scenarios we might run into on the trail. Darla and I have been having enjoyable rides together. I have become much more relaxed and confident. My confirmation came from the veterinarian during our shot clinic when he said "wow, your horse really trusts you". I couldn't be happier." Cathleen Coggins with Darla, Simpsonville
Ride Fear Free
"Today I rode my horse fear free. I was alone at the barn. I tacked up. We walked a bit and then I just rode. It has been a long time since I have been able to ride fear free. It felt amazing. I have missed her so much. I have missed the bond. Thank you for helping me to learn to listen so she didn't have to yell. We have learned to trust each other again. Thank you. It has taken a bit to see her subtle communications and for her to trust me to see them. I appreciate all you taught us." Sarah Lurvey with Kizmit, Simpsonville
Best Riding and Training experience ever

I just love Monique. I have had the best riding and training experiences with her that I've ever had. I have learned more in the past 6 months than I have in 20 years of riding. The thing I like is that she is really good at horse training AND people training. It's not often that you find both in the same trainer. She focuses on positive reinforcement for both. I learn so much better and retain so much more of my lessons under positive reinforcement. The best way I can describe her method is she first removes any obstacles to communication (poor saddle fit, bitting problems, horse health/fitness/conformation, human health/fitness/conformation). Then she works on helping you to communicate with your horse in a language that you both can understand.
She is really good at pinpointing what the obstacles are and helping to remove them. Both horses I am riding had saddle fit problems. Each one has improved with the changes we made with the saddle fit. Humans can have their own problems too. Lucky for me, I was seeing a physical therapist that reinforced what Monique had told me. Monique said "you need to open on the right, you are blocking the horse". The physical therapist said "your right hip is frozen" and gave me exercises to do. Wow! What a difference it has made!
Monique works with humans and horses as individuals with their own personalities and preferences. The two horses I am riding have completely different personalities. It is really challenging. The one horse (a Tennessee Walker named Amigo) has just blossomed under all the positive reinforcement. Where before he was crabby most of the time and had no forward movement, he now actually has impulsion and wants to do his job and loves all the new stuff he is learning. It has made us realize just how smart he is. A couple of things he has learned after just one lesson! It is so cool!!
With the other horse (a Paso Fino named Valentine), treats aren't as important and all he wants to do is go fast! I know he's smart, but lately I've been feeling like we haven't been communicating and I had been getting really discouraged. After riding him for a bit at my last lesson, Monique was able to tell that he was really sensitive to tension in the rider, and instructed me on how to mentally relax my body and communicate with him very subtly - much different than the other horse. I had a major breakthrough with him and found out I really could communicate with him once I learned his language!! He walked and did the corto (a Paso Fino gait) and back to the walk for me perfectly after that. I jumped off his back and congratulated him "Good Job! You are SUCH a good horse!!!" I could almost hear him congratulating me back "Good Job! You are SUCH a good human!!!" :) It's amazing what you can do when you can communicate! I really look forward to my next ride on him!
In fact, I look forward to my lessons each week, and like Amigo, I love all the new stuff I am learning!!
Zoe Carlin with Amigo & Valentine, Gray Court, SC.
She is really good at pinpointing what the obstacles are and helping to remove them. Both horses I am riding had saddle fit problems. Each one has improved with the changes we made with the saddle fit. Humans can have their own problems too. Lucky for me, I was seeing a physical therapist that reinforced what Monique had told me. Monique said "you need to open on the right, you are blocking the horse". The physical therapist said "your right hip is frozen" and gave me exercises to do. Wow! What a difference it has made!
Monique works with humans and horses as individuals with their own personalities and preferences. The two horses I am riding have completely different personalities. It is really challenging. The one horse (a Tennessee Walker named Amigo) has just blossomed under all the positive reinforcement. Where before he was crabby most of the time and had no forward movement, he now actually has impulsion and wants to do his job and loves all the new stuff he is learning. It has made us realize just how smart he is. A couple of things he has learned after just one lesson! It is so cool!!
With the other horse (a Paso Fino named Valentine), treats aren't as important and all he wants to do is go fast! I know he's smart, but lately I've been feeling like we haven't been communicating and I had been getting really discouraged. After riding him for a bit at my last lesson, Monique was able to tell that he was really sensitive to tension in the rider, and instructed me on how to mentally relax my body and communicate with him very subtly - much different than the other horse. I had a major breakthrough with him and found out I really could communicate with him once I learned his language!! He walked and did the corto (a Paso Fino gait) and back to the walk for me perfectly after that. I jumped off his back and congratulated him "Good Job! You are SUCH a good horse!!!" I could almost hear him congratulating me back "Good Job! You are SUCH a good human!!!" :) It's amazing what you can do when you can communicate! I really look forward to my next ride on him!
In fact, I look forward to my lessons each week, and like Amigo, I love all the new stuff I am learning!!
Zoe Carlin with Amigo & Valentine, Gray Court, SC.
I learned to trust myself and relax

"I contacted Monique to help me with my 21 year old Quarter Horse Franklin. In the 7 years of our horse/human partnership, Franklin and I had spent most of the time pleasure riding, with some very basic dressage work. In early 2013, Franklin suffered multiple tendon injuries which took months to heal, which were then followed by other health issues that essentially put a halt to our regular riding activities. I contacted Monique as I wanted to learn a new way to work with Franklin – I wanted a new way to relate to my beautiful horse.
It has been now just over a year of working with Monique and she has given me the gift of a new and improved relationship with my horse. Monique is thoughtful and practical - she is able to see and explain the hows and the whys of our (horse and human) behavior. All without being made to feel small or silly! I have become more confident in my ground work with Franklin and in turn he has become more confident in my leadership. His health has improved and I am now able to ride him in long slow walks using a bit-less bridle. I reaffirmed my belief that my horse is a very thoughtful and intelligent being and I learned to trust myself and relax. The sessions with Monique are so valuable - they help me stay on the right track, I know that I can call Monique and she will steer me back in the right direction while helping me see how/why I veered off to begin with! Franklin is a happier horse now and that makes me a happier horse mom!" Jessica Brown and Franklin, Greenville, SC.
It has been now just over a year of working with Monique and she has given me the gift of a new and improved relationship with my horse. Monique is thoughtful and practical - she is able to see and explain the hows and the whys of our (horse and human) behavior. All without being made to feel small or silly! I have become more confident in my ground work with Franklin and in turn he has become more confident in my leadership. His health has improved and I am now able to ride him in long slow walks using a bit-less bridle. I reaffirmed my belief that my horse is a very thoughtful and intelligent being and I learned to trust myself and relax. The sessions with Monique are so valuable - they help me stay on the right track, I know that I can call Monique and she will steer me back in the right direction while helping me see how/why I veered off to begin with! Franklin is a happier horse now and that makes me a happier horse mom!" Jessica Brown and Franklin, Greenville, SC.
Remarkable Progress

" After battling health and physical issues for 2 years, my Rocky Mountain Horse, Midnight, was ready to be exercised, but I was recovering from a serious accident and couldn’t ride. I called Monique and was thrilled when she was willing to help us out. Midnight is a gaited horse, different from the horses and riders she usually works with, but she was more than willing to help. On top of everything, she would have to ride bareback, because he had suffered serious saddle issues and I hadn’t yet purchased a new one. It didn’t take long before she learned how to gait him and make the tricky adjustments he needed to move correctly. More importantly, she shared my philosophy of truly listening to my horse, and he had plenty to say.
He loved her gentleness and I felt totally confident about everything she did with him. He made remarkable progress.
Monique is so open to new experiences and works with the rider and the horse on so many levels. As I gradually was able to reconnect with riding, Monique was there to provide the support I needed.
So much more is accomplished through understanding than by force. A positive relationship with the horse is more powerful than domination, and Monique demonstrates that in everything she does. I am so grateful for what she has done for Midnight and me, and look forward to our continued relationship as trainer and friend." Darla Green, with Midnight, Mauldin, SC.
He loved her gentleness and I felt totally confident about everything she did with him. He made remarkable progress.
Monique is so open to new experiences and works with the rider and the horse on so many levels. As I gradually was able to reconnect with riding, Monique was there to provide the support I needed.
So much more is accomplished through understanding than by force. A positive relationship with the horse is more powerful than domination, and Monique demonstrates that in everything she does. I am so grateful for what she has done for Midnight and me, and look forward to our continued relationship as trainer and friend." Darla Green, with Midnight, Mauldin, SC.
Drastic Change In Confidence

"Since I have started working with Monique, I have come to know and love a whole different side of Quint that I never thought possible! Before, I had reached a point in my riding where I was at a loss of how to correct the "issues" I was having with Quint. Within two lessons, Monique had introduced me to the idea that Quint was not misbehaving or refusing to do a task, he was confused and not confident in what I was asking him to do. After this realization, I was able to look back on not only the 10 years I have spent with Quint, but my whole 20 year riding career and see how I had been misjudging what I thought was a "bad" horse when in fact it was simply a lack of communication. Monique is always positive, encouraging, and supportive but gets results that I never thought I would see (I am now riding my off-the-track Thoroughbred in a bitless bridle). Now that I am working with Monique, there has been a drastic change in not only Quint's confidence, but also mine. I now know how to communicate with him in an effective, yet always positive way that always leads to results! I cannot thank Monique enough for how much she has changed the relationship that I have with Quint but also how I will forever look at training horses." Meghan Hagberg with Quint. A Knight's Echo, Fountain Inn, SC.
A Heightened Sense of Harmony

Monique has an uncommon, wonderful ability to blend both her classical and her natural horsemanship training with a keen empathy for her students needs, both human and equine alike! Her unique mix of skills and talent elevates the dynamics of each lesson, enabling her two and four-legged students to better define and realize goals, and to develop stronger partnerships with one another. Her insightful coaching and instruction promotes a heightened sense of harmony between horse and rider that, ultimately, produces positive results and a strong foundation for continued success. Monique brings a fresh perspective and renewed enthusiasm to all of her lessons. Her demonstrable connection with the horses is evident in the kind and gentle respect she exhibits, and the value that she places on their trust. This is a horse-woman I want to learn with! Gail Penland with Beau, Travelers Rest, SC.
Trailer Loading And Beyond

"I originally requested Monique's help to be a second set of hands while teaching my horse to load on a trailer. Monique very quickly made me realize that the trailer was not the main issue. She very patiently helped me with teaching my horse to respect and enjoy ground work. I have been able to apply each of her principles to my riding as well as on and off of the horse trailer. I really appreciate her quiet nature and ability to identify when I've reached my limit and step in."
Carole Lockhart with Gresh. Valley Stables, Travelers Rest, SC.
Carole Lockhart with Gresh. Valley Stables, Travelers Rest, SC.
Our Confidence Together Has Built

"Monique has helped Joey and I come together as one. While I've always wanted to jump with him, everyone stated I would have to put a sharp bit in his mouth, otherwise he would never be anything but a fast jumper. They said to forget about going the slower route, saying that it was just not him, since before he would lunge at the jumps and if you even flinched, he would move around the jump and you were on the ground. Since riding with Monique, Joey listens attentively and is more engaged in riding. He has become the “trick horse” at the barn and shows off all his tricks for a treat for anyone that may have one. We have jumped and he has never been quieter. Our confidence together has built. He has less spook and less nervousness."
Joy Campbell with Joey, Hidden Creek, Fountain Inn, SC.
Joy Campbell with Joey, Hidden Creek, Fountain Inn, SC.
Excellent Influence

"I have had the pleasure of knowing Monique since 2009. She has worked diligently to help advance my riding, improve the relationship with my newest horse and has been an excellent influence on my equine career. She always has great ideas for our sessions and we enjoy being challenged by her. Monique is professional, punctual, helpful and caring toward her students and their horses. She also has a fun personality which makes trying and learning new things that much more enjoyable! I look forward to watching EquineFlow expand and grow. We are very fortunate to have Monique's passion and expertise as a part of the Greenville equine community. " Mandy Dumas with Time Well Spent (Spencer). Private Barn, Mauldin, SC
Finish with confidence and inspiration

"Monique has been my instructor since 2009. Our sessions are always progressive and she explains exactly what -and why- I need to do to get it right, and then praises us when we do well. Each I finish with confidence and inspiration to do the next. She knows my horse very well and changes things up if she is getting bored or if something isn’t working. I have greatly improved my riding."
Diane Griffin with Grey Girl, Private Barn, Piedmont, SC
Diane Griffin with Grey Girl, Private Barn, Piedmont, SC
Integrating natural horsemanship with hunter/jumper & dressage

"I have had the pleasure of working with Monique and having her as an instructor at our farm, Rolling Acres in Piedmont. Before we met, I was in search of an instructor who could integrate natural horsemanship philosophies with hunter, jumping and dressage disciplines. I found this and much more in Monique! She has become a wonderful asset to me as well as many others here. Monique always uses patience, encouragement, and a supportive attitude in her sessions while focusing on the rider and equally the horse. She has a keen ability to analyze what you and/or your horse are doing and then give clear directions and exercises to improve your skills. I have great respect and admiration for her horsemanship and am very grateful for what she has done for me and my horse! Monique, thank you for not only your teaching but also for your friendship!" Nancy Lucas with Duel in the Sun (Duel) Rolling Acres, Piedmont, SC.
Communicating with horses in a different way

"The sessions are a valuable experience for me. I am learning how to communicate with my horses in a different way. The sessions also confirm for me that my horse and I have a good working relationship. My horse is getting more supple as my training progresses and the teaching style is easy for me to understand, done on my level."
Debra Kennerly with Dora & Rene, Hidden Springs, Gray Court, SC.
Debra Kennerly with Dora & Rene, Hidden Springs, Gray Court, SC.
Patient, kind and motivating

"We can’t thank you enough for your help and great instruction! Kristen and Sassy have come a long way in the past few months. You are always so patient, kind and motivating. You started with a nervous rider with a new horse and have encouraged her to be strong, confident and trust her horse. We’re so happy to have found you and Kristen looks forward to working with you for a long time!"
Tracy & Kristen Kiker with Ms Coats 'n Tails. Hidden Creek, Simpsonville, SC.
Tracy & Kristen Kiker with Ms Coats 'n Tails. Hidden Creek, Simpsonville, SC.
Learned I need to step back when I am frustrated
Working with EquineFlow was a very valuable experience for me. I have a better way of communicating with my horse. I learned that I don’t trust myself enough, and I gained the insight that I need to trust my gut. I also learned that I do communicate with my horse and that I need to step back when I am frustrated, and that she can be frustrated too.
Sarah H.
Sarah H.